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A man and his dog practicing training using a clickerA man and his dog practicing training using a clicker

How to train your dog with a clicker

Whether you have a new pup or are trying to teach an old dog new tricks, clickers could be the tool just for you. Clickers are easy to carry with you for constant reinforcement and give dogs clear direction that they thrive on. There are some clear benefits to clicker training:


  • Clear communication: By using a clicker you are giving your dog a consistent signal that they are doing something right.  This helps them to understand the behavior you want.
  • Positive reinforcement: Using a clicker for rewarding good behavior rather than punishing for bad behavior will create a stronger bond between you and your dog.
  • Timing: Clicker training allows you to time your reward.  Dogs do best when their reward comes instantly after the desired behavior is performed.
  • Versatility: Clicker training can teach a variety of behaviors.  You may want to start with basic commands similar to what is referenced below in this blog post, or you can work your way up to more advanced tricks and agility training.
  • Fun: Clickers are fun for the whole family.  Kids can reward with the same noise as an adult which with help with bias that can often be associated with voice commands.

Click, Treat, Repeat

Teach your dog that a "click" means a treat is coming!


  • Click the clicker
  • Pause briefly
  • Feed a treat, and then repeat

How many times out of 5 did your dog perk up at the cound of the click?


Trainer Tip

  • Click, pause, and then treat–don't click and feed at the same time.
  • Feed the treat from your open hand by dropping it into a bowl on the ground.
  • Never click the clicker without feeding a treat afterwards.
  • Once your dog learns that the "click" sound means a treat is coming, you can use your clicker whenever you are training, to let your dog know when they get the right answer.

Timing is everything!

You'll want your dog to hear the click at the exact momeny they get the correct answer or demonstrate the right behavior.


First, teach your dog to sit for a treat:


  • Hold a treat in your hand.
  • Lift it over your dog.
  • Click the clicker the moment their butt touches the floor.
  • Treat, and repeat!

Next, teach your dog to sit for an empty hand:


  • Move your hand exactly the same way.
  • Click the clicker the moment their but touches the floor.
  • Quick, get a treat!

How many times out of 5 did your dog follow your empty hand into a sitting position?


Trainer Tip

  • Even when your hands are empty, your dog should still get a treat every time they get a correct answer!
  • To teach your dog the word "SIT" say it before you begin to move your hand. This lets them hear the word and guess what it means. If they don't sit, don't repeat yourself–give them a "hint" by moving your hand.


First, teach your dog how to lie down for a treat:


  • Hold a treat in your hand.
  • Lower it slowly toward the floor, making sure your dog is following the whole way.
  • Click the clicker to moment their they lie down.
  • Treat, and repeat!

Next, teach your dog lie down for an empty hand:


  • Move your hand exactly the same way.
  • Click the clicker the moment your dog lies down.
  • Quick, get a treat!

How many times out of 5 did your dog follow your empty hand into a down position?


Trainer Tip

  • Your dog can be sitting OR standign before you ask them to lie down.
  • To teach your dog the word "DOWN," say it before you begin to move your hand. This lets them hear the word and guess what it means. If they don't lie down right away, don't repeat yourself–just give them a "hint" by moving your hand.

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